Looking ahead with Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds
5 min readApr 20, 2021

Alien Worlds’ metaversal token, Trilium, attracted the largest Binance Launchpool ever last week.

Trilium remains in the Binance Launchpool — and at this exciting time in the metaverse’s trajectory, let’s look ahead.


The Federation and the metaverse as a whole are actively progressing:

Near term

Near-medium term

  • Re-build of existing user interface at play.alienworlds.io and integration with other existing UIs (teleport.alienworlds.io; council.alienworlds.io)
  • Shining of Minions and Weapons
  • Further gamer support processes introduced

Medium term

  • Integration with non-blockchain games via modding servers
  • Launch of fighting game, where gamers can work out new tactics and use their NFTs to increase their power in the metaverse
  • Roadmap for subsequent user interface releases

Medium-long term

  • Introduction of Quests, in conjunction with IP and game extensions
  • Further features of land roadmap introduced
  • UI enhancements progress
  • Planets will be more and more free to control their own destiny — anything could happen!

Long term

  • Remainder of land roadmap introduced
  • Release of further Quests which allow gamers to use further NFTs
  • Continual user interface enhancements
  • Alien Worlds metaverse is envisaged to keep expanding as other projects, gaming communities and use-cases are incentivised to onboard, so as to participate in the metaverse’s compelling tokenomics

The vision

The metaverse is expanding fast — and the vision is that it will keep growing as an extensible structure, far into the future.

Why would this happen? Almost uniquely, all key metaverse elements are on-chain — TLM, tokenomic mechanisms, the NFTs, the Planet DAOs, councillors of Planets, multisig permissions, voting contracts and user accounts all reside on one of our three blockchains. On-chain, anyone can build into Alien Worlds.

Is this vision credible? The rapid rise of Alien Worlds to become the world’s largest decentralised app — bigger by users than Uniswap and Pancakeswap combined — suggests our metaversal framework works as a decentralised, extensible platform that a whole range of gamers want to join in on.

A note on the Alien Worlds Launch

Alien Worlds is an NFT defi metaverse that simulates economic cooperation and competition between participants by creating mechanisms for them to compete for Trilium, the scarce fungible token of the metaverse.

The game economy has been running since 22 December 2020, when Trilium first began to flow to Planets and their miners, and landowners.

Alien Worlds is also a multi-blockchain project with an ‘invisible blockchain’ ideology — that blockchain accounts and associated smart contracts should be situated on the chain most helpful to the user. You can read more about this in our Technical Blueprint.

Trilium (TLM) was made available for registered users to farm on Binance Launchpool from 7 April 2021 and TLM pairs began trading on Binance from 13 April 2021 to allow gamers to acquire TLM. This was the first time Alien Worlds partnered with any exchange to arrange for a trading pair.

Earlier in April, we opened the Teleport functionality which allows explorers of the metaverse to take their Trilium onto whichever chain most suits their needs — often, WAX and Binance Smart Chain for gaming, and Ethereum for storage.

In the early morning of 7 April 2021 UTC, we became aware that gamers had deposited TLM earned through mining and teleported from WAX onto BSC, into a small Chinese crypto exchange called MXC.

It appears that a maximum of 4,948,790 TLM had been taken from the WAX blockchain through the teleport to chains used by MXC, so it seems that no more than this number were even conceivably on MXC, and in reality probably far fewer. Volumes reported on MXC may not have been reliable as very little information is public regarding this exchange.

We de-activated the Teleport functionality when we discovered Trilium being quoted on MXC at a price that would have put TLM market cap (circulating supply at launch) at more than $31 billion.

When TLM pairs started trading on Binance, the market re-valued Trilium to a level where the market cap (based on circulating supply) is comfortably in the league table of similar projects, for example as defined by Coinmarketcap’s Collectibles & NFTs ranking. Since the launch on Binance, there is sufficient TLM available so that everyone who wants TLM — for example to stake to a Planet DAO and impact governance of the Planet’s treasury — can get it.

For clarity, neither private sale investors, nor the team (who indeed remain on a cliff with no liquid tokens at this time), nor the project itself, traded TLM unduly after the Binance launch. All these parties were bound by legal contracts, and in some cases smart contracts, that defined the permitted token release over time. This has been published in the Token Release Schedule, which we understand is very much in line with other projects and represents a standard release schedule.

Everyone at Alien Worlds is excited and energised to use this amazing launch — which brought our whole community together — as the springboard for the bright and cosmic path ahead.

Join the adventure at play.alienworlds.io.

About Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds is the #1 Blockchain Game!

With more than 416,264 players, and more than 136,150 active daily during the past month, Alien Worlds has quickly climbed the DappRadar ranking charts. Alien Worlds has become #1 Blockchain Game and #1 All Blockchain Dapps. The Federation would like to thank all Explorers for making this possible.

About Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds is an NFT defi metaverse running on the Ethereum, WAX and BSC blockchain. The in-game currency — Trilium (token symbol TLM) — was listed on Binance on 13.04.2021. TLM incentivises explorers to play games and must be staked to participate in governance. Planets within the metaverse are decentralised autonomous organisations which receive daily Trilium from the central metaverse smart contracts. Explorers engage through mining by acquiring and renting land, and voting for Planetary governance to impact Trilium payouts. The metaverse is extensible because Planets are independent and can offer their own games UIs and NFTs. Indeed, users are already doing this. Follow the metaverse at alienworlds.io and play at https://play.alienworlds.io/

Join the Metaverse

Get a Login to the Game: https://wallet.wax.io/
Use Login to Access to the Game: https://play.alienworlds.io/
Register for Planetary Councilor: https://council.alienworlds.io/
Unbox Packs and Get Access to Game Card Shining: https://unbox.alienworlds.io/inventory

Find Communities in the Metaverse

Website: https://alienworlds.io/
Medium: https://medium.com/@alienworlds
Telegram: https://t.me/AlienWorldsOffical
Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/AlienWorlds_Announcements
Discord: https://discord.io/alienworlds
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlienWorlds
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alienworlds.io
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/alienworlds



Alien Worlds

Official Medium for Alien Worlds. The #1 blockchain game on Earth! Master the metaverse; take over a DAO; seek your TLM and NFT fortune! alienworlds.io