Alien Worlds
2 min readJun 14, 2024



The backgrounds of the Robotrons are diverse, including sentient AI who have adopted a corporeal form, and Augments who have taken the final extreme step of removing the last vestige of their personhood: their faces. The “original” Robotrons, however, were discovered by the Altans inhabiting a number of ancient sites of interest on the Frontier planets, created by a long-forgotten elder race as guardians of now long-defunct technology.

The Altans were keenly interested in this ostensibly sentient artificial species, and sent a delegation to a site on Naron with a view to engaging in meaningful dialogue, hoping eventually to usher the Robotrons into the Federation. However, it rapidly became clear that their underlying programming included specific encounter-related sub-routines designed to trigger a violent chain reaction encompassing all Robotrons across all of the planets that they had been discovered on. The result: an aggressive army of cybernetic beings bent on ridding the Frontier planets of what they saw as interlopers attempting to steal the technology and knowledge of their creators.

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