The Syndicate Underground — Issue #2

The Syndicate Underground

Issue #2

Alien Worlds
7 min readDec 1, 2022


The Syndicate Underground is back with issue number two and we have a lot of important information to relay in this edition. The Syndicates have officially been live for one month and change is the one inevitable factor. Let’s take a look at the current custodians across the six Syndicates.

Neri Custodians

Current Custodians


In the running: This week’s featured candidate is Daniel Dabek who has been involved in crypto and blockchain since 2013. Daniel is a software developer, founder of SafeX ecommerce blockchain and Xcalibra, a licensed cryptocurrency exchange.

Featured Candidate
Naron Custodians

Current Custodians


In the running: This week’s featured candidate is Neon Louis, who is hoping to earn votes from the loyal citizens of the striped planet. Neon streams WAX and NFT content on Twitch 5 days per week and has his own community, Neon Space.

Featured Candidate
Veles Custodians

Current Custodians


In the running: This week’s featured candidate on Veles is Sammy Snake. Sammy is a longtime Alien Worlds community member who built one of the largest Alien Worlds communities. He says transparency, honesty and accountability are the cornerstones of his campaign.

Featured Candidate
Eyeke Custodians

Current Custodians

Current Custodians

In the running: Miksa is a longtime Alien Worlds player who is hoping to make his mark on the Metaverse by being elected to a Syndicate position on Eyeke. Miksa hopes that all players can build, explore and conquer together! More specifics from Miksa would be great to see!

Featured Candidate
Magor Custodians

Current Custodians


In the running: MjaM is a pillar of the Alien Worlds community and is running for a Syndicate position on Magor. MjaM promises to be the Sam of the planet and requests that the citizens become his Frodo. MjaM says if he is elected to Magor’s council, the planet’s inhabitants will ascend to the top of the highest volcano together. Lord of the Rings references are awesome, but Explorers would love to know the specifics of MjaM’s plan.

Featured Candidate

Current Custodians


In the running: Adam is hoping to put his Political Science degree to use as a member of Kavian’s council. Adam brings almost ten years of blockchain experience to the table, including five years of DAO participation. Adam’s ‘Kinder party’ vows to build an awesome community and drive participation in the Syndicates. The Kinder Miners were one of the first Alien Worlds communities, formed by a group of the game’s early adopters.

Featured Candidate
Proposal Update

Several interesting proposals have been brought forth by the six Syndicates over the past 2 weeks, including quests, making one Syndicate a legal entity and more. Let’s take a closer look in this edition of the proposition roundup.

Eyeke News

Eyeke’s custodians have brought forth 29 total proposals. Three are pending, 25 have been approved and one has been canceled.

Darkmatter has brought forth a proposal on Eyeke to fund an Outlawtroops NFT drop. The plan is to drop 3,000 NFTs on Alien Worlds players across all six planets; according to the proposal Explorers will also have the ability to earn FGL and TLM rewards. As of now the proposal needs one more vote to be ratified.

Naron News

Naron’s custodians have brought forth 20 total proposals. Eleven have been approved, two are pending and seven have been canceled.

The Custodians on Naron have now approved a version of this proposal two weeks in a row. NFT mining on Naron is now an even more enticing endeavour as the weekly budget has been allocated to be shared with all miners on the planet, in accordance to NFT points accumulated during the week.

Veles News

Veles’ custodians have brought forth 18 total proposals. Fourteen have been approved, one is pending and three have been canceled.

The Custodians on Veles recently passed a proposal to fund quests for the Planets inhabitants. Weekly quests are currently being developed to ‘bring more value to Veles’ For more information visit:

This Saturday, 03/12/2022 at 17:00 UTC Mirko, will be hosting a live stream about Alien Worlds Quests (AWQ). Please visit his Twitch channel where he will explain how Quests will work and answer questions.

Neri News

Neri’s custodians have brought forth 30 total proposals. Four are pending, 26 have been approved and zero have been canceled.

Legal obligations are at the forefront of Neri’s plans. The Planet’s Custodians brought forth a proposal to fund legal advice regarding the legal status and obligations of a DAO. As of now the proposal needs one more vote to pass.

Kavian News

Kavian’s custodians have brought forth 8 total proposals. Four passed, three are pending and one was canceled.

Kavian recently passed a proposal to help with viewing proposals so that players can view all proposals and know what their custodians are voting for. Custodians allocated 11,334 Trilium to the proposal reader initiative.

Magor News

Magor’s custodians have brought forth 29 total proposals. Zero are pending, 24 have been approved and five have been canceled.

The Custodians on Magor have passed a proposal each week for the custodians to be compensated for their work. Each week 50,000 Trilium is equally divided between the Planet’s 5 custodians. The allowance covers daily work that the custodians do, including Zoom calls and Telegram discussions.

Community Spotlight
Veles Postcard Competition

Lisa Chandler has been quite busy creating interesting ways for the citizens of Veles to get involved. Including this awesome Velesian postcard competition. Explorers with the best postcards will receive an NFT and be featured on the website. To get involved, please visit the community created Veles Telegram group:

Community Feedback

The Syndicate Underground is all about the community, their insights and feedback. This week’s feedback comes from longtime community member MjaM:

Hello, at first glance, I like it. It’s good to see! I would like to see news from the ‘’Candidates not elected’’ I think it’s important to keep pushing them to innovate so that they can continue on their way. To have a small segment of what they want to bring to their Planet or Alien Worlds in general. A few passages from their candidacy messages. thank you, good day to you!

Thanks for the input MjaM! This information was included in this edition of the Syndicate Underground.

If you have information that you would like featured in future issues, please add your thoughts to our submission form

That’s all for this edition of the Syndicate Underground. Until next time Explorers, take care of yourself and each other.

Disclaimer: Alien Worlds does not endorse any information contained in this newsletter. The purpose is to highlight community Syndicate related activities.

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With more than 8.3 million lifetime players and more than 10 million plays per day, Alien Worlds is consistently one of the top blockchain games on DappRadar ranking charts. Alien Worlds has inspired players to create, share and thrive in the social Metaverse. The Federation would like to thank all Explorers for making this possible.

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