Syndicate Underground Issue #5

Syndicate Underground Issue #5

Alien Worlds
8 min readFeb 1, 2023


The Syndicates are starting to find their groove and loads of new products and initiatives are being proposed and debated. Miners Unions, Quarterly Community Audits, CPU resources for Miners and more are featured in this edition. We also have a fun interview with Martine from FGL games where we discuss the Outlaw Troopers Trilium tournament that was funded by a Syndicate proposal. Let’s dive into the content!

Veles’ Custodians are all in on the Miners union and are proposing to fund CPU for legit Alien Worlds Miners. The custodians are requesting 350,000 Trilium to convert to WAX for honest Miners to use for resources.

The Custodians from Eyeke are busy trying to unify the planet’s Miners. This proposal will provide 450,000 Trilium to fund frontend development with smart contract interoperability. This will allow all Miners to have a voice and even put forth proposals. The initiative will also provide additional CPU resources for Miners in need.

Custodial accountability is on the mind of Kavian’s Custodians. One of their recent proposals is for a quarterly report that will publicly audit grants funded via proposals. According to the website “EOS support performs training and testing, scam prevention, operation control, learning center, the Giveaway Show, social media outreach, Antelope release platform support, and the EOS support squad program.” For more information please visit: EOS Support Quarterly Audit Reports | EOS User Support Center

For a 13th consecutive week Naron’s Custodians continue to consistently reward the planet’s honest NFT miners. Custodians have set aside another 140,000 Trilium to be divided among honest players in correlation with NFT points earned throughout the week.

Magor has been busy planning an Unconference. Over two weeks, an online Unconference with live streamed discussions about projects and interviews that touch on topics of interest to multiple Planets. This proposal is requesting 200,000 Trilium for funding. For more information check out this document: Planets Unconference Request for Proposal Submission — Google Docs

Neri’s Custodians are bringing their Syndicate to the sin city! This edition’s featured proposal is for 650,000 Trilium and will place a billboard on the Las Vegas strip to spread awareness and hopefully draw new players to the metaverse. If you happen to see this billboard please Tweet an image at our official Twitter account!

This edition’s featured Candidate is Burst of Energy. Burst of Energy is a veteran in the WAX space and has been quite generous during his time as an Alien Worlds player. Transparency and communication are the cornerstones of his campaign and community is his key to success. For more information on Burst of energy and other candidates, please check out the Syndicate dashboard.

Which Custodian has received the most total vote power and how much is it?

Answer: Neri Custodian Anyobservation has received 9,214,170 vote power.

Which Custodian has received the most total votes?

Answer: Neri custodian DrYunani has received 197 total votes.

Which Syndicate has passed the most proposals?

Answer: Magor has passed a total of 88 proposals.

Which Syndicate has the largest available treasury and how much is it?

Answer: Currently Neri has a total of 28,307,675 Trilium in their treasury.

FGL team member Martine recently sat down with us to discuss the exciting new Outlaw Troopers Trilium tournament, which was made possible by the power of Alien Worlds Syndicate proposals.

What brought about the Outlaw Troopers proposal and which planet or planets funded it?

“First of all, the themes of both games fit together quite well. That helped to integrate this event into the lore of Outlaw Troopers.

Dark Matter showed us some other projects being approved by the council, like Battledome, a ZOS integration, and a Beast Gardens collab.

This made us want to think of something BIG, not just a small collab like we did for the first tournament. Since it looked like AW was pushing for projects that gave their NFTS like crew/arms more utility, we thought it would be a perfect fit to map the rarity of Alien Worlds NFTs to more powerful ships + troopers in our game.

We wanted to build something that the Alien Worlds players could actively participate in, not just simply get sent NFTs.”

What are your thoughts on the Alien Worlds Syndicates? (DAOs)

“Before this collaboration we did not know much about the Syndicates, since none of our dev team members are active Alien Worlds players. So far working with the Magor + Eyeke councils has been a good experience. They actively worked with us to help make the event better, contributing lore knowledge and very valuable insights into what drives Alien Worlds players.”

Can you tell us about the Outlaw Troopers Trilium Tournament and how players can learn more?

“Trilium Battlegrounds

When: 1/30/2023–2/13/2023
Prizes: 100,000 TLM + 10k WAX worth of Outlaw Troopers NFTs
Price: FREE for Alien Worlds NFT holders w/ a battlegrounds ticket
Details: Battle against other players to collect as many medals as possible! The players that collect the most medals by the end of the event will win big prizes!

How do I get a ticket?

If you have not yet received a ticket, simply ask for one here in general-chat on our FGL NFT Games Discord. If you have the required NFTs you will be given access!

How does it work?

To access the battlegrounds you need either Alien Worlds NFTs or Outlaw Troopers NFTs. Once you have access to the game, you will get to choose a ship, a trooper, and some gear to battle with.


The ships you can choose from depend on which Alien Worlds NFTs you own from the “arms.worlds” schema. The higher the rarity the arms, the more powerful the ship!


The trooper you can choose depends on which NFTs you own from the “crew.worlds” schema. A higher rarity Trooper means you can use more gears. The gears are the key to victory!


Finally, the gear options you have depend on your NFT holdings from the “tool.worlds” schema. Carefully choose which gears you want! You will be using these in real-time to defeat your opponents. Get in there right away so you can practice and find the best combination.

The home page of the collab also has a lot of info:

How do you envision the Syndicates evolving?

“This project has been great to get a much deeper understanding of the AW community. It was a lot like “the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know much”, haha. But to take this out of the AW context and into the broader WAX community; I think a lot of games and game communities can learn from how the Alien Worlds syndicates operate. So perhaps the Syndicates evolve into a counseling role for other projects to spread DAO governing knowledge.”

Do you have anything you would like to convey to the Alien Worlds community?

“Just that it has been a really great experience, the response from the AW community has been terrific, they seem to really be enjoying the game and appreciating the use of the AW NFTs in another setting.

Outlaw Troopers is just one of three games published by FGL NFT Games, so we really look forward to an opportunity where we can give the Alien Worlds NFT’s even more use in one of our other games!

For more info, players can head to or join our Discord at We’d love to stay in touch!”

Thanks again for your time Martine.

If you have information that you would like featured in future issues, please add your thoughts to our submission form.

Don’t forget Explorers, you can always stay up to date with the latest Syndicate related happenings in the user interface. Follow the link to track current Custodians, candidates, proposals, Syndicate budgets and more!

Each Syndicate also has a dedicated channel within our Discord:

In addition you can also track activity across the six Syndicates by visiting

That’s all for Issue #5 of the Syndicate Underground! Until next time Explorers, take care of yourself and each other.

Disclaimer: Alien Worlds does not endorse any information contained in this newsletter. The purpose is to highlight community Syndicate related activities.

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With more than 8.3 million lifetime players and more than 10 million plays per day, Alien Worlds is consistently one of the top blockchain games on DappRadar ranking charts. Alien Worlds has inspired players to create, share and thrive in the social Metaverse. The Federation would like to thank all Explorers for making this possible.

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