Alien Worlds
6 min readMar 17, 2021

Explorers, Hear This!

The Federation would like to congratulate Explorers for their recent journeys of discovery. Escaping Earth has been a challenge never before faced by the human race. During these first two months, bravery has been found on all fronts and the future is looking promising.

Metaversal historian and Federation member Rob Allen reports that those who were able, found and secured 3,343 pieces of land, so that Explorers can mine for resources and begin to settle into new homes. “Securing land, mining Trilium and staking to planets has been an important part of our journey and it looks like Explorers will successfully populate six discovered planets.”

Miners have been very productive. More than 49,266 Explorers have been mining the six planets of Alien Worlds, yielding Trilium (TLM), the discovered currency of the Metaverse, and a necessity for Explorers.

In addition to mining, landowners and miners alike have been staking their Trilium to one or more of the planets. Staking commits some of the Trilium to a particular planet and can only be removed after a two-day waiting period. It is important that Trilium be staked to a planet, as the governance functionality of that planet cannot be awarded to the Explorers until it reaches a sustainable level, in the eyes of the Federation. Staking is recorded on the blockchain and can be viewed in real-time at the links below.

Top Stakers on Kavian

Top Stakers on Neri

Top Stakers on Magor

Top Stakers on Naron

Top Stakers on Veles

Top Stakers on Eyeke

In the future, staking will entitle an Explorer with voting rights, based on the amount of Trilium staked. Some of those staking are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to use their voting power earned from staking. The first opportunity will be to elect representative custodians to govern the planet.

Some of those staking have been forming alliances to offer rewards to miners on their land. This has fostered a sense of collaboration within communities and also a sense of competition among communities. There have been suggestions that these alliances will begin to influence planetary governance, as well. “We have the ability to demonstrate real value to the communities that traditional politics can’t offer,” says Max Infeld, an active miner and co-creator of the Kinderminer alliance.

What is that true value that is unique to our new worlds? Equitable rewards are a core concept of the decentralized governance model and movement. The opportunity for each person to potentially earn increasing amounts of value in exchange for one’s time is a dream never quite achieved on Earth. Now, with the chance to determine the new systems on the discovered planets, perhaps the dream can be attained.

How will those rewards be achieved? That will be determined by the elected leaders, who will be called custodians, of the planetary councils. “Each planet has a Fund, which is a percentage of Trilium mined from that planet,” explains Michael Yeates, one of the first members of the Federation, and creator of smart contracts used in the game. “Elected custodians can decide what to do with that Trilium. They might distribute it to stakers, landowners, or miners or use it for something else that might add value to the planet.”

It is possible that elected custodians may not choose to take action that benefits those who have staked to their planet. However, once custodial elections begin, they will take place weekly. Those who become lazy or unjust may be replaced. Or, who knows? Maybe they will be celebrated!

Those who stake Trilium to a planet will be encouraged to be active voters and may lose voting power over time, if not active. “In order to ensure a vibrant metaverse, decay is important,” explains Federation member Saro McKenna. “The Federation wants to ensure that the governance system allows for people to be represented and have a voice on their planets.”

In order to best populate the Metaverse, governance functionality will be released increasingly over time, providing for exploration of the concepts surrounding decentralised autonomous organizations (DAO). This will allow newly elected custodians to consider and discuss ideas with other Explorers.

Explorers who wish to register to be considered as custodians can now apply by going to the Planetary Council at then selecting the planet for which they are applying for custodianship, and then completing the registration form. The form includes spaces for a name, a link to a photo and a description of oneself and any position that the candidate would like to share.

Candidates submissions will be recorded on the blockchain and viewable for all to see at the Planetary Council station for each planet.

How does one know if he or she is qualified or able to be a custodian? “Do you have ideas about what could improve peoples’ lives? Do you want to test out what best provides equitable rewards for the people? If so, apply,” suggests Lisa Chandler, the first designer of the space and subsequent team member at Alien Worlds. “ Share your ideas. Become an active member of the community. Make friends and learn how we can do this together.”

Will people with the most Trilium staked always have the largest voice? No. Once custodians are elected, each of the five custodians on a planetary council will have equal voting power.

In some cases, custodians may choose to issue referendums. Referendums are questions put forth to the people who have staked to a planet. The referendums can be designed as binding, where the voting results decide the outcome. Or, referendums can be designed as feedback, which can be used to get feedback from community members. As with custodial votes, all referendum votes are also stored and transparent on the blockchain.

Explorers may find that they can communicate their thoughts and opinions sufficiently through the Alien Worlds and planetary groups in Telegram and Discord. However, it would not be surprising to find that planetary council custodians who engage their Explorers are re-elected more often. Each planetary council will have the opportunity to consider how they engage their communities of Explorers and alliances. Will each voice have strength of influence? It is yet to be seen.

The Federation has declared that those who wish to register for custodial candidateship should visit and register. The dates of planetary elections will be scheduled to allow for time for candidates to share their positions after the close of candidate registration, and will be announced as the time nears.

To register to be a Planetary Council custodian, click here.

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About Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds is an NFT defi metaverse running on the Ethereum and WAX blockchains. The in-game currency — Trilium (token symbol TLM) — incentivises explorers to play games and must be staked to participate in governance. Planets within the metaverse are decentralised autonomous organisations which receive daily Trilium from the central metaverse smart contracts. Explorers engage through mining by acquiring and renting land, and voting for Planetary governance to impact Trilium payouts. The metaverse is extensible because Planets are independent and can offer their own games UIs and NFTs. Indeed, users are already doing this. Follow the metaverse at and play at

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