Shine 4 NFT Game Cards Into 1 Rare Shined Card

Evidence of Shiny Minions and Weapons Found in the Metaverse! And, Important Changes to Shining

Alien Worlds
4 min readMay 13, 2021


Shining Portal Opens!

Up until now, the only Alien Worlds NFT game cards that can be shined are avatars and tools. Shining is the process of upgrading these digital items to a unique and rare NFT game card, out of four other cards. Beginning on Friday 21st May 2021 at 15:00 UTC Earth time, the Federation will be opening up the Shining Portal for Explorers to shine Minions and Weapons.

This is an exciting time for anyone who wants to create into the Metaverse a Stardust Mysterious Hacker or a Gold AI Sword.

Important Change to Shining Fees

Before all of this happens the Federation needs to make an important change.

Back when the portal for shining tools was opened, the Metaverse was a very different place, with just a few thousand explorers. Many explorers had enough Trilium to shine and there was a race for the Mint #1 NFT game cards of the newly shined avatars and tools.

Now in the present day, the relative price of shining has become so prohibitive that few are able to shine. It has always been intended that shining would be something that would be a common part of an Explorer’s experience, but with the current fees it is not. In order to restore balance into the Metaverse, the fees must fall to a level where Explorers find the service valuable.

As with tool shining, many Explorers may be vying for the prize of shiny Alien Worlds Mint #1 Minion and Weapons NFT game cards, so the fees cannot be set too low at this stage.

Having conducted a number of reviews, the Federation has decided to implement an updated set of shining fees to be implemented beginning Friday, 14th May 2021. This new fees schedule is shown below.

Shining fees will be reviewed continually by the Federation so that balance in the Metaverse is maintained. When reviewing, the key metric considered will be the number of shining events over the previous two week period. If there are insufficient shine events. then the fees may be lowered to encourage more shining. But don’t be discouraged, as those who shine first will get the lowest Mint numbers of the newly shined NFT game cards.

Material Grade

Explorers with a keen interest in NFT statistics may have noticed an attribute on all shiny Alien Worlds NFTs — Material Grade.

Material Grade takes into account the Mint numbers of the less shiny versions of the NFT which were burned in the shining process. Even if you don’t get the highly coveted Mint #1 of your favorite card, you may still be able to get the Grade #1 NFT game card.

How Do I Shine?

For more information on how to shine, visit the Metaversal Knowledge Base article about shining.

Share Your Shining

Once the shining portal is open and Explorers begin shining their minion and Weapons NFT game cards, they are encouraged to post pictures in Metaversal social media channels.

The official Alien World social channels are listed below.

About Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds is an NFT defi Metaverse running on the Ethereum, WAX and BSC blockchain. The in-game currency — Trilium (token symbol TLM) — was listed on Binance on 13.04.2021. TLM incentivises explorers to play games and must be staked to participate in governance. Planets within the Metaverse are decentralised autonomous organisations which receive daily Trilium from the central metaverse smart contracts. Explorers engage through mining by acquiring and renting land, and voting for Planetary governance to impact Trilium payouts. The Metaverse is extensible because Planets are independent and can offer their own games UIs and NFTs. Indeed, users are already doing this. Follow the Metaverse at and play at

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